Concert Art Shows LogoMain Office (805) 479-4000


Conservatory Module Workshops & Classes

The WAV VenturaTV Classes & Training For Our KIds    >>>About The WAV

COMPUTER GEEK WORKSHOP 1- 2- 3: What do you want to know? Do I go Mac or PC or Both? The latest technology in external storage local drives? UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply. How Many Amps will work for me in a power outage. What about electrical damage protection? Learn about costs. Learn about capacity. Learn about connection & cables. Learn about editing software needs

FX GUITAR WORKSHOP: 1-2-3: Check out the heart of guitar special effects. Check out a state of the art pedaltrain filled with effects pedals. How do I get the right guitar sounds? How do I hook them up? What's my favorite sounds? Just like the pros!

RHYTHM MUSIC WORKSHOP 1 & 2: Learning basics for counting measures in music. Sample percussion instruments & drums provided. Be inspired to discover this new world of beats.

ART TABLE Creations 1-2-3-4-5: Paint, Sketch, & Create. Freedom Of The Arts. Try It and DISCOVER yourself. All supplies provided ON DEMAND ARTS. Where to start. How to Choose. Exhibits available.

MICROPHONE TECHNIQUES WORKSHOP 1 & 2: "Everything you need to know" on stage applications. amplification. How you can overcome stage fear. Demo all sorts of microphones. Learn how to set up & test microphones on sound systems.

CULINARY HOSPITALITY WORKSHOP: 1-2-3 with a PRO CHEF Easy cooking. Easy going recipes for our active young artists. Healthy ways to dream up just the right meal. Share and care. Have lots of fun too. Make a meal for your family later that evening!

SINGER SONGWRITING WORKSHOP 1 & 2: Start with your words & poetry. Turn them into music. Get the help you need for a fast start. Learn music structure, verse, chorus, and music bridge.

HANGING ART EXHIBITS 1 & 2: Learn techniques of curating, hanging, placement, and labeling. Preparing art works presentable. Actual hanging in an art professional setting. At Downtown Ventura 2 venues. Limit 2-3 kids.

RECORDING STUDIO WORKSHOP 1-2-3: Learn the basics of digital audio recording 24 tracks. Song scratch track to start. Where do I start? Is this for me? An advance on- demand class. Limit 2-3 kids.

VIDEO EDITING SOFTWARE 1-2-3-4-5 ACADEMIC WORKSHOP: Installation help for your PC or MAC. Bring your laptop or Desktop computer. We'll show you how to get off to a good start.

MUSIC EDITING SOFTWARE 1-2-3-4-5 ACADEMIC WORKSHOP: How do I record my music and songs? How do I get my songs on Spotify and Pandora? Installation help for your PC or MAC. Bring your laptop or Desktop computer. Mixing is an art. A little bit of the "ENGINEER" in you. We'll show you what you need to be PRO

EXHIBIT ART TRAINING CLASS ::: “Hanging Art”: This workshop class happens on Main Street two venues “on location”. What sells. How To Label. Positioning Art. Natural Selection Method. Proper Lighting. Limit 2-4 kids.

Evelyn ClerouMiranda Romero       >>>See Miranda's Video

The Getty Field Trip   >>>See Our Field Trip At The Getty Villa


THE GETTY CENTER MUSEUM: Historic Views of European Cities and Iconic Monuments. At the museum, we will take a docent-guided tour of the unique architecture and gardens. After enjoying lunch at one of the on-site dining options, there is time to explore one of the featured exhibits on your own, or join our host for a tour of the Collection Highlights.

THE GETTY VILLA: Tour the museum's stunning Roman peristyle gardens and architecture and view the antiquities collections with our host.

  You Supported The Kids      >>>Apply For Low Income Scholarship Grant      >>>See Live Music Video At The WAV Theater Gallery

Theatrical Workshops










           >>>Check Out Our Events   >>>Apply For Low Income Scholarship Grant

OUR FINANCIAL GRANTS: Full or Partial Scholarship Grants are available for families based on what each family can afford. Volunteer duties & MAAFY Community Service are required to obtain such a grant. We accept all major credit cards, checks, and cash payments in advance.



Music And Art For Youth

Corporate Office

@The WAV

175 So. Ventura Avenue Suite 218

Ventura, CA 93001

(805) 479-4000

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