The 1st Annual


MEETINGS: INITIAL MEETING: November 20, 2017 at 1pm at Harvest Café. Saint Pierre gave event package to Robert Glover., February 12, 2018 at 1pm at Harvest Café (link >> ), March 12, 2018 3pm at Harvest Café Robert Glover & Saint Pierre

(new notes in blue for 3/12/18)

NAME OF EVENT: We love the name! Even the name promotes the Harvest Café’s pursuit to new business, for new customers to try the menu and eat healthy food into future. To avoid conflicts, drop WAV to: HARVEST FESTIVAL at The WAV. NOTE: WAV ALL- COMMUNITY meeting 3/15/18 if Robert would like to make mention of the event inperson.

EVENT PARTNERS ::: HOSTS: This fundraiser event is a collaboration between Music And Art For Youth, Non- Profit 501 (c) (3), and the Harvest Café with owners Robert Glover and Rika.

FISCAL NON- PROFIT SPONSORSHIP: Music And Art For Youth= MAAFY acronym; will filter all donations via tax exempt; and provide a full precise audit within 72 hours at close of event.

FOOD STAFF: Robert is planning on a full restaurant staff during the event hours to be decided.

POSSIBLE HOURS: Saturday & Sunday 10am- 4pm, Noon- 6pm, or Noon- 4pm.

HARVEST SEASON was decided to be late September through October. Saint Pierre mentioned that City Of Ventura, Michelle Godoy, shared the 2017 calendar last year. October was clear of any event competition last year. It was decided that October normally brings excellent weather for outdoor events in Ventura. We will do our best NOT to compete with other citywide events. We’ll check the City Of Ventura calendar and select the best free date. We checked Fairgrounds scheduled to avoid conflict on Friday, Saturday, & Sunday Oct. 5,6,& 7 referenced web site

POTENTIAL DATES CHOICES: Sat. & Sun. Nov. 3 & 4, Sat & Sun Oct. 13 & 14 (alternate #1), Sat. & Sun. Nov 10 & 11 (need check City of Ventura calendar for conflicts)


BOOTH OFFERINGS: Event related booths only. We discussed Small Farming via Robert. I recommended some Harvest Café vendors be involved since they would just love to support Harvest Café & the event. We still need to decide the cost of our event booth and mentioned past events ranged $25- $75; booth 100% proceeds will likely go to the Kids’ Cause. We spoke about some possible holistic related booths. BOOTH DECISION AT REASONABLE PRICE: $25 for our first event. Per Robert, if booth demand is high, we may boost the price of the booths, higher than $25. Saint Pierre recommended that booths be offered first to WAV commercial storefronts: Jai Rhythm Yoga, THEN to Harvest Café Vendors (NEED A PREFERRED VENDOR LIST NEXT MEETING); than booths will be offered to outside vendors, as long as they fit in with our vision.

BOOTH FRONTAGE ON VENTURA AVENUE: Robert discussed his JSCO negotiations on use of outdoor patio. We discussed using booth frontage of Jai Rhythm Yoga & & Dillan Chappel Archetects (possibly closed Sat. & Sun.). Give “NO CARGE” booths to both other WAV business neighbors. Per Robert, Harvest Café is willing to to use a small portion of outdoor patio for a event sign. Saint Pierre discussed that tent signs work. Robert to ask Jai Rhythm Yoga & Dillan Chappel for an “OK” to use frontage to make sure they are good with it. WE NEED TO CHECK WITH JSCO as well for rights to Ventura Avenue Frontage use.

HANDOUT PAPER BAGS WITH HANDLES: per Robert; utilized for booth vendor materials for attendees to use for convenience. Reasonably priced choice.

SPONSORS’ INVOLVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES: I mentioned Jai Rhythm Yoga having an outdoor yoga presentation & involvement. Robert mentioned the 10am start time for the Yoga presentations. Saint Pierre mentioned that they are encouraged to sign up Yoga memberships for the duration of the event with a booth. Robert mentioned that the Yoga members will normally enjoy breakfast and lunch too with the 10am start time each day. BOOTH DISCUSSIONS: Massage Booth “On The Spot” per Saint Pierre, ROBERT says his vendors: CBC Oil, Skateboards (recycled fish nets)

BOOTH AGREEMENT TERMS ADD: Booth Cost $25 (includes small table supplied by MAAFY max. 20 quantity, 100% proceeds of both sales &/ or service goes to each vendor, Booth fee $25 goes to Music And Art For Youth, ADD. CLAUSE: Vendor is an independent contractor and agrees to pay any sales tax to State Board Of Equalization, any required permit or license to required required by any government agency. Each booth needs to provide their own permit or license whether annual or daily; in order to offer their goods or services to the public at “The Harvest Festival at The WAV.

OUTDOOR YOGA CLASS: Robert mentioned early in the day at 10:30am on Saturday & Sunday.

PERMITS: We spoke of the Health Department requirements. Robert will speak with Agent Kristin Thrift and ask the health department: “How Can We Go About Doing This Event With Food”.

MEALS & FOOD SERVING: Need to decide how to easily purchase meals via Harvest Café. Do we take orders? We need permission to serve outside except in TO GO CONTAINERS, which may be able to be included in the plan. Robert mentioned a “WALK AROUND FOOD ORDER SYSTEM” possibly.

HEALTH DEPARTMENT: need be contacted in person appointment at Govt. Center possibly Holly Sinclair. It may be best to both go in person to speak with them. Early mornings are best.

ABS ALCOHOL BOARD PERMIT: In our initial meeting, I mentioned that in the past, non- profits could purchase a $25 alcohol permit at the WAV, maximum 7 times annually. I believe a Saturday & Sunday event required only one permit for two days. The ABS needs to be contacted regarding the required alcohol containment zone, in which event attendees are able to purchase & drink alcohol. Saint Pierre’s past events were ABS approved when the Theater Gallery was closed or the outside plaza was contained with booth tables. JSCO has security requirements in their guidelines as well.

ABS NON- PROFIT PERMIT: Saint Pierre to get info for temporary non-profit permit for $25 per event (7 maximum per year). In the past, an event permit for $25 covered both Sat. & Sun. To check if Theater Gallery containment or booth containment is authorized by ABS for alcohol containment drinking area.

PROMOTION OF THE EVENT IN ADVANCE: Saint Pierre mentioned event banners may require permits. Robert prefers to go with Harvest Café posters that will promote the event months in advance. Location of banners may be difficult. Saint Pierre mentioned 11 x 14 inch professional posters with photoshop & graphic design that we can do internally through MAAFY.

MORE PR DISCUSSION: will bring Robert sample poster. We decided to design the poster together.

HARVEST 10% OFF CARD: per Robert, Harvest Café could handout these coupons to get additional business & new customers at the event.



OUTDOOR DÉCOR: Saint Pierre mentioned to enhance the theme with hay bales, Corn Stalks, and pumpkins. This requires significant clean up. Saint Pierre has had Harvest Festival in the past. We should play the theme out full course. Saint Pierre mentioned to bring Robert’s ducks for showcase.

MORE DISCUSSIONS OUTDOOR DÉCOR: Bay hales in Santa Paula at vendor utilized by Saint Pierre in the past. We need a truck. Robert will utilize the hay after the events for the ducks’ bedding. Pumpkins yes. Corn Stalks plan.

HEALTH FOOD WORKSHOPS: were recommended by Saint Pierre. Robert said that he & Rika may conduct Harvest Café workshops. Duration of workshops would be 35- 45 minutes maximum. Keep rotating workshops to maintain attendees’ attention.

MORE DISCUSSION:  to be done by Robert & Rika “in house” to promote Harvest Café menu & get new customers.

LIVE MUSIC ROTATION: The live music will interlace with the workshops and other interesting activities. The sound system will cover the entire event layout. Volume levels will be adjustable where needed in the “spread” of speakers. Recorded ambient instrumental lively music will be played between live music acts to keep the energy level “UP.” Special attention will be given to NOT blast out the booth areas.

WORKSHOPS: Robert mentioned a Pumpkin Carving workshop. We may be able to have some booth sponsors to do interesting workshops too. We need to decide on the appropriate Workshop Areas at the event. It will be a logistix decision as to where workshops will be best suited. Saint Pierre is leaning to the outside Amphitheater possibly.

THEATRICAL HARVEST PERFORMANCES: Featuring our Conservatory of Talented Youth. Presented by Music And Art For Youth Scholarship Kids.


Monday APRIL 9, 2018 at 3pm (at Harvest Cafe)

MUSIC & ART FOR YOUTH 175 South Ventura Avenue Suite 218

Ventura, CA 93001  (805) 479-4000

“a non- profit organization 501 (c) (3)”