>>Link To Board Meeting Agenda April 9, 2018
Social Hour 5:00 p.m.
Meeting called to order by Director St. Pierre at 6:07p.m.
Attendees: St. Pierre, Matt Taylor, Donna Passero, Shana Radashaw, Jed Swanson, Holly Roberts
1. Minutes of previous mtg reviewed and unanimously approved
2. Bank Account and Financial Statement reviewed. Donna made a motion to approve and Jed seconded. Unanimously approved. Discussion of rent increase for MAAFY and options to be placed on Agenda for next month, including calculations. Insurance certificate approval at $32.42 per month+$3 monthly service charge. Motion made by Donna, seconded by Holly, and unanimously approved.
3. Amazon program SmileAmazon.com donates .5% to cause (rather than .005% shown on Agenda. This correction was discovered after Agenda approval)
4. Business Cards - Discussion and decision that at this time only Matt Taylor needs cards.
5. Peers Project - Discussion. Matt explained business signage "decal" with 30 second spots and showing video on Spectrum. ($50 to MAAFY) Matt will report further next month after talking to Jimmy Slice and Shana Marie Confections
6. Update of Progress CAPS TV and Filming - Holly has done 3 classes and the kids have done two. Ryan Del Nero is a new mentor and has been (or will be) paid a $75 honorarium. Review and discussion of CAPS equipment and video release forms handed out for signature. Discussion of video that is scheduled to be made with Evelyn and St. Pierre's difficulty in reaching her. Holly to speak with Kimberly on April 13-14 regarding Evelyn's music video track.
Motion made and seconded to take a break at 6:50 p.m.
Meeting reconvened at 6:55 p.m.
13. Interview and discussion with Izabelle De Paz, 18 yrs old, on how MAAFY can continue to help her. St. Pierre to talk to Michelle Nasco to see if she is willing to mentor Izabelle once a week until Izabelle starts school in August, and cost. (Izabelle is available, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Friday afternoons)
(Matt Taylor left the meeting at this time) Motion made, seconded and approved to set budget at $35 (per one-hour mentoring session weekly for Michelle Nasco to mentor Izabelle. (Total amount added to budget pending)
7. Discussion of MAAFY Reservation and Booking guidelines, venues and dates. >>WAV Community Room Use Guidelines
Currently, the Winchester's Art Show/Fundraiser is scheduled for May 29, 2018.
8. Grants update and Plans for future. Holly Roberts explained what grants have currently been applied for and plans to apply for further grants on a "staggered" basis, so that MAAFY will have a continuous source of grant income. Ad Hoc committee for grants is Holly Roberts, Kimberly Love, and St Pierre.
9. Update Art Exhibit Venues. Jed Swanson talked about whether he feels he is the best person to handle this program and what is involved. Donna Passero has offered to learn to hang art and wants to be on the Ad Hoc committee for art exhibits.
10. St. Pierre reviewed what was discussed at the Harvest Festival planning meeting. >>Link To Notes Of Harvest Festival Planning Meeting Held April 9, 2018
11. Board Members photo and bio. Any photos not submitted will be taken at next meeting. Bios to be submitted.
12. New Business. Reminder of how/when to submit items for meeting agenda and class interest survey. Determined to put culinary/hospitality class on hold.
13. Other Business. Andrew Wolfe (Andy Wray) has not returned his scholarship agreement (and his mother said she signed it for him, which may not be valid). St. Pierre to write a letter requesting status. Decision needs to be made as to whether to withdraw the scholarship offer.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
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Donna Passero, Secretary
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St. Pierre, Director