Agenda Board Of Directors Meeting

Monday April 9 2018 at 6pm



1)    MINUTES APPROVAL 3/12/18 MEETING: Review & approve minutes last meeting  >>>Review Minutes March 12, 2018 (draft to be approved)


2)      BANK ACCOUNT & FINANCIAL REPORT: Review bank balance & MAAFY direct monthly expenses. Check income sources. FINANCIAL DISCUSSIONS: WAV rent increase $220 Monthly (need options/ discussions/ need help), Seeking motion to approve payment to pay Annual Insurance Certificates/ Liability & Fire $389 Annually Due 5/12/18.   >>See 2018 Bank Statement Report To Date


3)      AMAZON PROGRAM IN PLACE: Amazon Smile Foundation provides .005% of each sale that our supporters make by going (just the initial time) to and selecting Music And Art For Youth as their choice non- profit. When making subsequent purchases, EVERYTIME…“GO TO: to make all your purchases. The price of your order does not change, but MAAFY gets support through Amazon continuously. Asking all board members to participate.  >>See & Understand MAAFY New Smile Amazon Organization


4)      BUSINESS CARDS’ NEEDS: board members may decide if MAAFY cards would help the cause. 200 cards are $20 with our 50% discount & free shipping.


5)      TV PROJECT “OUR PEERS” UPDATE: by Matthew Taylor as his discussion explains how the program works, fund raising projections, time frame, cost & financial distributions, spectrum cable broadcast rates, quantity of videos completed, list of business prospects.  >>See One Of Matthew's Commercials For Spectrum Cable TV


6)      UPDATE & PROGRESS CAPS TV & FILIMING KIDS: by Holly Roberts, Member, parent, & CAPS kid supervisor. To describe completed classes, future scheduled kids’ training; How CAPS fits in and how they’re doing. $75 Honorarium Ryan Del Nero, new instructor began at WAV 3/23. Other future workshops & instructors are listed at  >>


7)      MAAFY RESERVATION & BOOKING GUIDELINES: Batch WAV dates for inquiries, Dates are not held for inquiries as next step is WAV Venue Request Form with full payment, then dates are normally confirmed “firm” 48- 72 hours, Insurance certificates are requested after “firm” dates are confirmed by facility. Insurance certificates are required for all entities involved with any venue, event, facility, instructor, etc. (e.g. CAPS, Winchesters, Art Exhibits, Field Trips). CAPS RESERVATION FORMS & CAPS EQUIPMENT REQUESTS should be handled through MAAFY Director. Liability Waivers, Agreements, Permission Forms, instructor agreements, etc. are to be handled through MAAFY with copies kept in our corporate records files. Student, Parents, board members, and instructors are to have full contact information on corporate file including: Full name, address, telephone, and email. New forms are required for CAPS membership. Due diligence and fiscal responsibility is required by all board members doing business in the name of MAAFY.   >>See Extensive Management Guidelines For WAV Use


8)      GRANTS UPDATE & PLAN FOR FUTURE: by Kimberly Love. Why we need grant (s). List of target grants. How many so far. Expectation of when we could get our first grant. Amount of the targeted grants. Members on MAAFY grant ad-hoc committee. >>


9)      UPDATE ART EXHIBIT VENUES: by Jed Swanson & Shana Radashaw. Explain their perspective & potential growth of art exhibit fundraising. Allocation of sales proceeds to feed back to grow the program. How much time investment. Plan for fresh rotation. What labor is required. Why they choose to be involved. Donna Pasero, new exhibit volunteer for art exhibit Ad-Hoc committee. $260. Hanging system approved. 4 Artworks sold in March 2018.  >>See The Secret Garden 2 Minute Music Video Last Show There August 2017


10)   HARVEST FESTIVAL AT THE WAV UPDATE: by Saint Pierre. Co-Sponsor with MAAFY is Harvest Café. 4 planning meetings. Committee volunteers.  >>Last Meeting Report March 12 2018


11)   BOARD MEMBERS PHOTOS TO WEBSITE ABOUT PAGE + SHORT BIO: Director photograph at board meeting with black standard background in Studio 218. Please provide short background bio with past experience.  >>Check Previous Board Members Need To Update ASAP



a) Any meeting agenda items have 7 day advance requirement.

b) Kids future class interest check list results of 3/23 kids survey handout. >>Kids Survey For Workshop Preferences

c) kids training schedule is hub for information.


13) INTERVIEW IZABELLE DE PAZ FUTURE DEVELOPMENT: 16 year old. Existing inspired & positive Student. She will present what MAAFY can do to progress her art works & training. Presentation will include a written list action plan designed by her. She will arrive 7pm 4/9/18.   >>See Izabelle's Portfolio Of Artworks