Agenda Board Of Directors Meeting
Monday May 14, 2018 at 6pm (photos commence 5pm)

1) BOARD MEMBERS PHOTOS TAKEN TONIGHT: Photographs at tonight’s board meeting with black velour curtain background in Studio 218. Please submit your short background bio with past experience for our web site. It’s a small paragraph or two that will be edited under board member listings. Please arrive during social hour at 5pm if possible.

2) MINUTES APPROVAL 4/19/18 MEETING: Review & approve minutes last meeting >>Link Review Meeting Minutes

3) BANK ACCOUNT & FINANCIAL REPORT: Annual Government 4 agencies/ filings completed  5/15/18 DEADLINES. Review bank balance & MAAFY direct monthly expenses. SEE ADDENDUM A below.

4) FINANCIAL DISCUSSIONS: WAV RENT (2017- 2018) rent increased $235 Monthly (need options/ discussions/ need MAAFY help), . Jim Beam MAAFY proposal 2017.

5) ART EXHIBIT UPDATE: Secret Garden installation on hold. Donations & consignments by Jed & Shana. Recent rotation of art. Compliments by venue staff & customers both venues. New Jim Hetsley Sculpture (consignments) & wall sculpture displayed with hanging problems to be corrected. Six new 50 watt LED bulbs purchased for improved art viewing at Jimmy Slice (cost $29.99 Smile Amazon Prime).

6) SMILE.AMAZON PROGRAM UPDATE: Board member discussion. Should we get our database involved? Postcards?

7) GRANTS COMMITTEE UPDATE: by Holly Roberts. MAAFY was turned down for a grant by the Surdna Foundation. LETTER QUOTE: “We appreciate the importance of your work and the efforts of your organization. Unfortunately, the scope and focus of your activities do not fit within our guidelines for new grants at this time.”

8) CONSERVATORY UPDATE NEXT MODULE PERIOD: by Kimberly Love “no summer classes”.

9) NEXT DATES FARMERS MARKET June 2nd & July 21st: recommending summer season May through October for a total of 6 events at average $110- $150 in funds monthly; total income annually $800.

10) WINCHESTERS FUNDRAISER MAY 29th: Early set up at 10am on the day of the event: lighting & sound equipment, black curtains for stage & art (featuring art of Izabelle De Paz). Breakdown at 10pm. Greeters during the event. Invite Friends & family to have dinner. Venue pays MAAFY 20% of food receipts. BUDGET PROJECTION: $1200 Annually. >>>Web Site Link To Event

11) HARVEST FESTIVAL AT THE WAV FUNDRAISER EVENT NOV. 10 & 11 SAT. & SUN: Health Dept, ABS Board, and City Of Ventura Permit Clearance. >>Link Info Update BUDGET PROJECTION: $1000- $1500 in 2018.

12) MARIE SHANNONS OUTDOOR PATIO SUMMER FUNDRAISER: Discussion for end of June/ July. BUDGET PROJECTION $500 Annually no 20% program at this venue.

13) HIMALAYAN RESTAURANT OUTDOOR PATIO SUMMER FUNDRAISER: Venue to pay 20% of Food Receipts September/ October discussions. $200- $300 projected for 2018.

14) UPDATE IZABELLE DE PAZ: Art Instructor, Michelle Nosco, WAV Artist agreed to weekly sessions for $20 without materials, or $25 with furnishing materials. The weekly sessions will extend May 2018 through July 31, 2018. Izabelle leaves for college August 14, 2018. Approved by board at last meeting.

15) UPDATE ANDREW WOLFE LETTER: sent by his mom, Lisa Wolfe, addressing his non- involvement of his scholarship. MAAFY received his signed scholarship back March 28, 2018. The signature of Andrew may be by his mother. Action requested.

16) UPDATE ANIKET RAHANE: No involvement. No signed scholarship agreement. Cordoba C7 guitar in his possession is property of MAAFY. Value $700. Action requested.

17) UPDATE MIRANDA ROMERO: several attempts to contact her for involvement. Attempted guitar instruction efforts. No return messages. Fender acoustic guitar in her possession. Value $600. Action requested.

18) DIRECTION FOR TWO NEW NOMINATIONS: Jayla Williams 15 years old (requesting $100 monthly tuition for dance lessons). Denaji Ruiz (requesting musical instrument instruction) 6 years old.


4/20/18 Jimmy Wright (art sold) $30 still due $100.00
5/5/18 Mr. B Moulderres (keyboard donation for Farmers Market) $54.00
5/5/18 Farmers Market Show (cash donations) $104.82
Total $258.82

5/2/18 MAAFY Business Milege ($53.76 + $26.88) 3/28/18 through 5/2/18) MAAFY policy for Director $80.64
4/10/18 Monthly Telephone (authorized expense) $52.51
4/26/18 Insurance Authorized Monthly $35.42
3/19/18 Amazon Smile/ Art Hanging system Secret Garden (authorized March 12, 2018 meeting $257.13
Total $425.70

EXPENSES & FEES PAID: (from MAAFY checking account)
5/5/18 Ryan Del Nero Workshop Instructor check #2582 $50.00
4/28/18 Joss Refauvelet Workshop Instructor check #2581 $50.00
4/14/18 WAV Theater Gallery rental fee for April 28, 2018 Joss workshop check #2579 $25.00
4/12/18 Ryan Del Nero Instructor (on location 2 day weekend Ojai project) check #2578 receipt in last mo. 4/9/18 $125.00
3/23/18 Ryan Del Nero Workshop Instructor $75.00
NOTE: following 3 WAV rental fee receipts attached to meeting minutes of last month 4/9/18
3/22/18 WAV Theater Gallery rental fee for May 5, 2018 workshop check #2570 $25.00
3/22/17 WAV Theater Gallery rental fee for May 11, 2018 workshop check #2571 workshop Ryan $25.00
3/25/18 WAV Theater Gallery rental fee for May 12, 2018 workshop check #2557 workshop Lindsay $25.00
2/5/18 Marie Shannon Confections Venue Fee paid artwork “Manta” consignment $8.50
2/5/18 Jillian Nye Artist Art consignment fee for “Manta Ray” $15.00
Total $423.50

PAID MONTHLY SUPPLIES & EXPENSES: (paid with MAAFY checking account)
5/3/18 Home Depot (hardware grommets) for Farmers Market $3.19
5/2/18 Harbor Freight (pack of 40 bungees for cart tie downs & banners to hang) for Farmers Market $26.92
5/2/18 Lowes (art hooks for hanging art) 2 packs for two art venues $8.79
5/2/18 Amazon (2 face painting kits) for Farmers Market $23.68
4/24/18 Amazon 6 LED bulbs for Jimmy Slice art exhibit $29.99
4/24/18 Quick Printing Plus (25 posters for Winchesters fundraiser event 180529 $25.00
4/13/18 ARC Thrift Store (four displays for sculpture art hanging) for our 2 art venues $8.57
3/19/18 Coalition Thrift store (7 frames for art hanging) exhibits preparation $27.95
Total $154.09
4/25/18 Coalition Thrift Store Keyboard for Farmers Market Maya Moulderres $53.86
3/19/18 ARC Thrift store (sculpture 4pc. Display) for hanging in our art venues $10.72
2/23/18 Amazon Paper for Printer $18.28
Total $82.86

4/24/18 Jimmy Slice Art Hang Jed & Shana SP $17.72
4/9/18 Harvest Café Planning Meeting Harvest Fest/ Donna Passero SP $17.20
2/15/18 Jimmy Slice/ SP, Kimberly, Holly/ PLANNING MEETING CONSERVATORY $36.48
2/12/18 Vons/ Board Meeting snacks $8.97
2/11/18 Jimmy Slice Art Hang/ SP, Jed, Shana $23.33
Total $103.70