>>See March 12, 2018 Board Meeting Agenda



Music and Art for Youth Board Meeting

Minutes March12, 2018

Approved By Board of Directors on April 9, 2018

Minutes for Board of Director's Meeting – Monday, March 12, 2018 @ 6:00 pm


Location :Clocktower Hotel – Ventura, CA

Attendees:       Saint Pierre (S. Pierre) – Director

                        Shana Radashaw (S. Radashaw) – Board Member

                        Jed Swanson (J. Swanson) – Board Member (acting secretary for the evening)

NOT PRESENT: D.Passero, Merridee McBride, Miranda Romero, Kimberly Love, & Holly Roberts


6:12pm –  Meeting commences


 1) Minutes Approval for 2-12-2018 Meeting: >>See Minutes that were approved


            J. Swanson moves to approve previous meeting's minutes of February 12, 2018 (J. Swanson signed approval of last meeting's minutes)

            S. Radashaw seconds

            3-0 unanimous


2) Bank account & financial report: (paper copy of the bank account report is attached to minutes of meeting; March 12, 2018)


Reviewed checking and savings balances.  Director explained monthly expenses, withdrawals, & deposits.

            S. Pierre moves to approve financial report.

            J. Swanson seconds.

            3-0 unanimous


3) Budget review for 3 month module period:  >>See Actual Budget Approved Module Period March 1- June 3, 2018


            J. Swanson moves to correct date on module period to May 31, 2018 (because of listed error April 30, 2018).

            S. Radashaw seconds

            3-0 unanimous


            S. Radashaw moves to approve the amounts as is with the option to reallocate funds as needed.

            J. Swanson seconds

            3-0 unanimous


4) CAPS TV kids training update (current attendees 3/12/18 on attached contact list link (including Kimberly & Holly to supervise:  >>See Contact List Of  Students & Parents (For Board Member Use Only ::: Confidential)


S. Pierre moves for full scholarship for Ava (mother Sabrina at the recommendation of Kimberly Love & Holly Roberts last week 3/8/18) for this current module, subject to Sabrina completing a nomination form for Ava., while Sabrina goes through a difficult family time.

            S. Radashaw seconds

            3-0 unanimous


            Attached physical list of CAPS attendees to permanent record. (list indicated Ava by error, Vannesa was reassigned the membership position for this class)


5) Harvest Festival at the WAV update: >>See Last Month's Harvest Festival Planning Meeting + Ideas


Director passed out notes for planning meeting with Robert Glover (owner Harvest Cafe) at Harvest Cafe on 4-9-2018 at 3:00 pm, just prior to regular board meeting.  S. Pierre requested that board members are needed.  Please volunteer for the next planning meeting on April 9, 2018 at 3pm at the Harvest Cafe. Please also put this event on your calendar soon. We need everyone to help at the event.


6) Downtown Art Exhibit Venues:


Discussion:  Director has been in negotiations for a third downtown art exhibit venue at Secret Garden (Gloria Gonzales owner).  Gloria indicates that MAAFY be curator of the art exhibit at Secret Garden.  Director has located professional art hanging system for approximately $260.00.  Art committee projects adequate art sales at Secret Garden on a monthly basis to grow our art exhibit program.  Compiled income amounts derived from this month's art sales are $245.  MAAFY has the required funds to purchase the hanging system immediately.  Art exhibits of the 3 downtown venues are projected to continue to produce adequate income for MAAFY.   Paper COPY OF ESTIMATE OF HANGING SYSTEM IS ATTACHED TO MINUTES of Meeting March 12, 2018.


            S. Radashaw moves to purchase hanging system.

            S. Pierre seconds.

            3-0 unanimous


7) New Business


Director has mailed out a letter of approval for a full grant MAAFY scholarship award & music & performance, along with our standard scholarship agreement to be signed by Andrew Wolf & his mother.  We are currently awaiting return of documents with signatures.

 STUDENT ANIKET RAHANE ::: NO INTEREST IN SCHOLARSHIP AWARDED October 28, 2017  >>See Video At Secret Garden Aniket Rahane Performance August 2017

Aniket Rahane was awarded a music & performance scholarship.  Since the teenager had no guitar, MAAFY loaned a Cordoba C7 guitar donated by John Gregorius, recording artist.  The scholarship agreement, however, has never been signed.  S. Pierre made several attempts to communicate with Aniket & his family.  Aniket was a no-show at the last Farmer's Market event.  We are looking at retrieving the guitar, which is property of MAAFY.


9:07pm – Adjourned