Agenda Board Of Directors Meeting

Monday March 12, 2018 at 6pm



1)  Minutes Approval 2/12/18 Meeting: Review & approve minutes last meeting

See Last Minutes Meeting Review>>>Review Board Meeting Minutes Feb. 12, 2018


2)  Bank Account & Financial Report: Review bank balance & MAAFY direct monthly expenses. Check income sources


3)  BUDGET REVIEW FOR 3 MONTH MODULE PERIOD: Handout with projection of income & expenses. Airfare & Honorarium for Kat. Discussion & Possible approval.

    Check Preliminary Budget 180312 by Kimberly, Kat, Holly>>>Check Preliminary Budget & Kids Class Schedule 180312 (added to Agenda March 12, 2018 11:58am for reference)

Committee Report 180312 From Kimberly >>>Check Committee Activity Report 180312 From Kimberly (Ad-Hoc Committee Members: Kimberly, Holly, And KAT)    

4)  CAPS TV KIDS TRAINING UPDATE. Memberships & appointed 8 positions. Current schedule of training & April/ May productions planned. Mention of California Arts Council application (a state agency) GRANT is specifically for CA media, TV, Cable, productions for the public. Needed follow up forwarded to Kimberly & Holly who are handling MAAFY in their grant search. Another parent, Sabrina, has experience with grants, as community service to MAAFY in exchange for full or partial grant for daughter, Ava.

NOTE: Ava Carroll will not be at the CAPS classes after all, as she has a conflict on Monday's. So we have 6 kids total for tonight:

LIST OF 3/12/18 CAPS KIDS CLASS ATTENDEES: Harrison Love, Kadin Mouderres, Maya Mouderres, Nate Schmidt, Evelyn Clerou, Vanessa Delano, plus chaperones: Kimberly Love & Holly Roberts. 

5)  WAV HARVEST FESTIVAL UPDATE: Meetings with Harvest Café owner, Robert Glover. Handout with preliminary ideas indicate that MAAFY needs an event committee for this magnitude of planning, coordination, and set up.

Harvest Festival Planning Minutes Feb 12 2018>>>Please Review Harvest Festival 2018 Planning Minutes


6)  DOWNTOWN ART EXHIBIT VENUES: Discussion regarding the new potential third venue, “Secret Garden”. Particularly the need for a hanging system similar to Jimmy’s Slice & Marie Shannon’s Confection. Cost of the pro system is $257.13. Installation would be a joint venture by owner of venue & MAAFY. Should MAAFY consider this expense to have a third Downtown Ventura art exhibit venue at Secret Garden in lieu of approximately 15 “ready to hang” art works for the venue? We’ve also discussed a less expensive pipe & wire & hook system which is less attractive & more difficult to work with, for an estimated $125.