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"Every Ride Is An Experience"
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Hundreds Of Rides To Choose From Below!
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Members Call Or Text To Choose Their Favorite Rides! (805) 479-4000
ROCKIN' RIDE INSTRUCTIONS: With your Membership, you get to choose favorite rides. The text schedule goes out to active members only within 72 hours in advance. First Come First Serve. Simply be the first to text the ride choice from our diverse list. (MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED) All rides are subject to change & cancellation due to circumstances beyond our control. Helmets are highly recommended. Before you ride, check your bicycle, equipment, and tire air pressure, to prevent problems on the road. Flats & mechanical failure will impact our other members on the ride since our policy is to "never leave a Rockin' Rider behind (no drop policy)". ALWAYS carry personal ID, water bottle with sufficient water, snacks, spare tube, air pump, patch kit, cell phone, additional cash & coins for emergency use. Lights are required for all night rides. All rides depart from the WAV unless specified. >>>>More On The WAV Free street parking and the parking lot at the corner of Thompson Boulevard & Ventura Avenue (175 S. Ventura Avenue, Ventura, CA 93001). Departure is promptly from the WAV (Working Artists Ventura). Text or e-mail in advance if you will be joining us on our next ride!
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New Special Request Ride!
New Special Request Ride!
NEW! The Ventura Winery Ride...
New Special Request Ride!
New Special Request Dinner Ride! The Pancho
Villa Shrimp Ride!
Riding Music Of The Day
THE VENTURA PIER & SOTER POINT RIDE: Easy going!!! We start promptly departing from the WAV over the Class 1 ocean bike path. We head to the Ventura Pier (bike unto the pier which is allowed), then Pierpont and Marina Park. Then we will take the 101 freeway pedestrian/ bicycle overpass to Main Street to enjoy our great place called downtown. The optional ride extension is the famous "Soter Point". The ride continues to enjoy our great bike paths in Ventura! We than ride back to our origination in the cultural arts district. Estimated time is 1.5- 2 hours. Cool breeze, Shoot the breeze, Ventura skies, and social butterflies! Now that's a better way to spend the day instead of trying to figure out all of life's complexities. Let's stay simple. It's a great day for a bike ride! Departure is promptly from the WAV (Working Artists Ventura). Text or e-mail in advance if you will be joining us!
More On The Country Roads Ride
THE ART CITY COUNTRY ROADS PICNIC RIDE: Start off with a ride- thru that explores at Paul Lindhard's outdoor museum Art City Gallery of huge sculptured stone (bicycles allowed). Then we explore the real local back roads countryside. It features a picnic rest stop lunch under the old oak tree summit, overlooking a running mountain stream (take your brown bag lunch or snack). Start time is The whole time lasts 3.- 3.5 hours. Ride time is about 2 hours & 15 minutes, estimating to be a total round trip ride of 19.5 miles with six large inclines getting (huff & puff) perfect exercise for intermediate- advanced riders. Plenty of water & rest stops will be utilized. In the Rancho Canada Larga countryside you will see horses, and all sorts of farm animals, featuring some of the most impressive ranch farms in Ventura County. It's a very historic ride as we pass the old mission aqueduct that supplied natural spring water to the Mission in the 1800's. A California grant $$$$$$$$$$ allowed the new park area to be built at the restoration site of the remains of this huge aqueduct. The remnant can impress everyone that sees it. What a sight! You will experience riding through one of the largest horse ranches with horses of all types including Clydesdale horses, racing horses, Palomino horses, and so many others to view close up. In the beginning of this excursion... is a big wow! You will experience an art lover's paradise. Art City hosts over 20 professional sculptors, who make beautiful desktop pieces to monumental sculptures and fountains. They share common facilities and each other's vast knowledge. It is so amazing how much there is to see here. Featured riding music will be the album, "Flying In A Blue Dream" by House Of Blues Hollywood performing rock artist: "Joe Satriani". >>>>Check Out This Great Music Video Of Our Riding Music What a great way to start your day! Multi- geared bicycles are recommended. Take-a-along lunch or snack is a recommended reward for the summit half way rest stop. Temperature (at this time of the year) gets into the high sweat range. Sun screen and a significant amount of water is required for this ride. Departure is promptly from the WAV (Working Artists Ventura). Text or e-mail in advance if you will be joining us!
New Video!!! >>>>7 Dogs Riding A Bicycle
THE BEACH FLEA MARKET WEDNESDAY MORNING RIDE: is an interesting exercise & commerce ride happening at with a 12 mile beach path route on the Rincon Parkway (70 minute actual ride time). Beginners, intermediate, and advanced riders will enjoy this one. Estimated duration is 1.5- 2 hours. The ride features the culmination with an actual ride- through of the area's largest flea market at the Ventura County Fair with FREE admission (bicycles are allowed). There will be rows and rows of goods, collectables, & art for sale bargains. If you find yourself a great deal, you can make arrangements to pick up with the seller after the ride ends at noon, but before 2:00 pm. Happy shopping deal ride! Departure is promptly from the WAV (Working Artists Ventura). Text or e-mail in advance if you will be joining us!
FREE BICYCLES FOR MEMBERS: Our good friend, Brian Torres. from his Non- Profit Organization, has offered us some free bicycles for those who wish to be involved on our rides. There are pre-owned bicycles of all types. If you have a friend or family member that is in need... or if you would like an extra bicycle available for your visiting guests, this may be for you. Some of the bikes can be checked out, and tuned up at our next HUB repair date for only $7. If you need parts or accessories for your free bicycle, they are available at HUB for purchase at reasonable costs.
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Dog Rides A Bike Video!!! >>>>See It Now
Easy going!!! We start promptly departing from the WAV over the Class 1 ocean bike path. We head to the Ventura Pier (bike unto the pier which is allowed). Then we will take the 101 freeway pedestrian/ bicycle overpass to Main Street to enjoy our great place called downtown. An optional ride extension is the famous "Soter Point". The ride continues to enjoy our great bike paths in Ventura! We than ride back to our origination in the cultural arts district with a healthy stop at Jamba Juice. Estimated time is 1.5- 2 hours. Cool breeze, Shoot the breeze, Ventura skies, and social butterflies! Now that's a better way to spend the day instead of trying to figure out all of life's complexities. Let's stay simple. It's a great day for a bike ride! Departure is promptly from the WAV (Working Artists Ventura). Text or e-mail in advance if you will be joining us!
Riders Advocate For City Improvement Plan For Bicycles
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THE GRANT CROSS MORNING EXERCISE RIDE We start promptly over the Class 1 ocean bike path. We will make a quick optional fruit & veggie purchase that we will enjoy later in the ride. This is an endurance & exercise ride that will test your cardiovascular system, as well as the gears and speeds on your bicycle. Your lungs are an important body part that need to be strong in every breathing environment. You will be glad that you are applying yourself to the exercise rides. Shifting is a skill that will help you on all the Rockin' Rides. There is a knack of precise shifting practices. Downhill pleasures await us afterward on our fabulous Main Street route as we head back to our origination point. This is our exclusive Rockin' Riders health ride of the week! Our riding music is the alternative rock n' roll of "Joe Satriani" from The House Of Blues. >>>>Check Out This Great Music Video Of Our Riding Music You will be glad you enjoyed this experience! A historic lesson awaits us at the Grant Cross Park too! Departure is promptly from the WAV (Working Artists Ventura). Text or e-mail in advance if you will be joining us!
Riding Music Of The Day: Joe Satriani
iPhone App Ventura Bikeways Map Software (very cool)
is happening with a prompt departure. Thanks to Gwendolyn Alley (truly the Princess), who founded the San Buenaventura Art Riders & Social Club in 2008, we are merging our First Friday rides. It's free. It's fun. From our origination point, The Rockin' Riders will meet up at the Crowne Plaza Hotel & Promenade as our first stop. We ride to art shows & studios all around Downtown Ventura. Bring some clothing layers to remain warm & comfortable. Our first gallery displays awesome art. Our tour guide host will be leading our ride with a route custom designed with interesting galleries, food, and wine, including the WAV, Bell Arts Galleries, & Stoneworks. Art City is a Rockin' destination that promises a bicycle campfire hour, and a "wind down" night with their resident artists. >>>>More On First Friday Art Ride Event Enjoying Ventura's First Friday Art Ride is always such a delight! It's a unique and memorable experience with the club's cool art lovers. All riders are required to have night lights and a security lock for this Rockin' Ride. Departure is promptly from the WAV (Working Artists Ventura). Text or e-mail in advance if you will be joining us.
>>>>Annual Gift Membership What a Great Gift For Someone!!
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>>>>See Bike Dancer Pick Of The Month
THE PRAYER ROCK MEDITATION RIDE: We discovered a new place of peace in the middle of streaming running waters, lush green river beds, and breathless mountain views. It's a place where life's busy activities come to an immediate halt for a few minutes to enjoy mother nature's best. Class 1 bike paths take us safely to enjoy this great morning ride with a round trip 9 mile pleasure of the day. This will prove to be a favorite destination to find peace within ourselves. Departing for a 90 minute investment of time. You will love it. Take a bike lock for security. Take some good traction jog shoes. What a great way to start your day. Departure is promptly from the WAV (Working Artists Ventura). Text or e-mail in advance if you will be joining us!
Our Riding Music For This Day!
THE IN & OUT MORNING HISTORIC ADOBE LUNCH RIDE: Our first stop rides into the obscure historic adobe outdoor museum to explore the Ventura house of the early 1800's. >>>>More On This Historic Adobe We promise the demonstration of our precious olden culture in the early days of our city. It will create an appreciation for the modern developments and conveniences that we all enjoy today. You will then enjoy the Surfer Point beach paths. We will stop on the Ventura Pier. (bikes are permitted on the pier) The ride moves in to the California State Park "Cut Through" paths. Ride is 9 miles estimated at 2 hours. We stop at In & Out Burger for early lunch. The restaurant is "bike friendly". Try some off-menu items like vegetarian meal or the "Animal Style" hamburger. Wow!!! Papa Smith Texas lemonade is your FREE optional drink of the day featuring fresh lemon for all Rockin' Riders. We finish before noon to enjoy the rest of the day. This is a great fitness and sightseeing ride for all beginners, intermediate, and advanced members! Join us with featured riding music, "Greatest Hits" of the: "BEATLES". Calling all In & Out classic riders! Classic culture, Classic history, Classic food! Classic music! Classy Rockin' Riders! What a great start of the day! .... In & Out... the brunch of champions. Yum! Departure is promptly from the WAV (Working Artists Ventura). Text or e-mail in advance if you will be joining us!
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THE ART CITY CLASSIC FOSTER PARK MORNING RIDE: is a club favorite 1.5- 2 hour ride of 13.75 miles. We are depart The WAV promptly. We arrive at the destination for the rest stop with comfortable seats. Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced members are welcome. The park has restrooms for your convenience. We discovered the mountain stream that we will enjoy with blessed serenity as our weekly "sanity saver moments" with mother nature. Mother Nature herself will meet you there on this day... Wow! Average exercise speed for this day is 12mph (optional 9- 10 mph for more leisure riding). We will be finished by noon in great shape to carry on with a great day. You will experience a drive thru of an art lover's paradise. Art City hosts over 20 professional sculptors, who make beautiful desktop pieces to monumental sculptures and fountains. They share common facilities and each other's vast knowledge. It is so amazing how much there is to see here. What a great way to start your day! Departure is promptly from the WAV (Working Artists Ventura). Text or e-mail in advance if you will be joining us! >>>>More
iPhone App Ventura Bikeways Map Software (very cool)
THE MORNING CASITAS SPRINGS DUCK SANCTUARY RIDE: We start promptly departing The WAV over the Class 1 Ventura River bike path and first portion of Ojai Trail. It is 16 miles round trip. Intermediate, & advanced members are recommended for the narrow footpath & full embankment climbing "walk the bike" segment of this route. We head to this destination in the quiet of the river & West Ventura woody area. Then we will take the serene river rest stop overlooking wild life of the Ventura River in Casitas Springs, our destination. Bring bread to feed the ducks. Not many riders know about this cool place We will enter a quiet 5 minute meditation after we arrive to put us in touch with these beautiful surroundings. The ride continues to enjoy the "Avenue" and great bike river paths in West Side Ventura! We than ride back to our origination in the cultural arts district. Estimated time is 2- 2.5 hours. Now that's a better way to spend the start of you day! Featured riding music will be the album, "Greatest JAZZ ROCK Hits" of the: "CRAIG CHAQUICO". You will absolutely love this creative nature ride! Departure is promptly from the WAV (Working Artists Ventura). Text or e-mail in advance if you will be joining us!
Featured Music For This Ride
iPhone App Ventura Bikeways Map Software (very cool)
THE HUB DISCOUNT BICYCLE REPAIR SATURDAY RIDE: Meet and depart the WAV. The Rockin' Riders is an advocate of bicycle non- profit causes. One of our great VCool causes is the Bicycle HUB for $7per hour repairs on any of our bicycles. Today is the day for bicycle repairs and tune ups after our morning ride. If you need major bicycle work the master bicycle technicians are working till 2:00 pm. This is Ventura's First Mobile Bicycle Collective which is an affordable community bicycle project. It even has do-it-yourself training. There are available bike tools, bike stands, and volunteers at hand at all times. Parts are available for purchase. Nobody gets turned away. The HUB will be a stop on today's ride. Departure is promptly from the WAV (Working Artists Ventura). Text or e-mail in advance if you will be joining us!
THE BIKE DANCE RIDE: Learn the very cool music moves of dancing with your bicycle! Professional coaching and techniques that will improve your exercise routines... You have to see it... to believe it. This is an exclusive with the Rockin' Riders Bicycle Club.
THE WINE TOUR RIDE: is a special event tour of local wineries in the area. Special wine tasting is part of this ride. You will be introduced to new labels, new wine types, and professional wine experts as well. The wine is fine! Quite a refreshing bike ride!
THE ART RIDE: is a special event ride that explores art galleries in Ventura County. Art lovers will experience all types of art on this ride. It is so amazing how much art there is to see. We have a guest artist that accompanies us on this special event ride. >>>>More On First Friday Art Ride Event
THE MUSEUM RIDE: is a special event ride that enjoys some very interesting museums in Ventura County. The museums have so much variety. You'll be a part of the different art cultures, history, and bicycles... all at the same time!
THE PICNIC BLANKET RIDE: is a special event ride that introduces some of our secret picnic spots that are bicycle accessible. This ride finds us in some of nature's most remote country settings where peace abounds. The group members will have the opportunity to share their favorite picnic recipes! The club has many good chefs!
THE BEACH RIDE: is a special event ride that takes the group to some beaches that are off the beat & path. Each rider should take a brown bag lunch and one oversized towel. Warm up in the sun, or be cool with the ocean breeze. Either way this special event ride is invigorating for beach lovers!
THE SUNDAY DRIVERS STARBUCKS RIDE: is our easy going ride that takes the group to Marina Park & Beach with a rest stop at Starbucks for coffee or tea. Soter's Point is off the beat & path with a comfortable seat & table to enjoy the ocean waves breaking into shore.Each rider should take a warm up top & bottom in case it's cool with the ocean breeze. A 5 minute short Ventura history lesson is amazing about this place. By the way this Sunday Drivers ride is invigorating for beach lovers! This is our club members' favorite usually scheduled each week! We really enjoy our gourmet coffee & tea on this ride!
THE HAPPY HOUR RIDE: happens different days as we ride our bikes & enjoy the sunset. The Happy Hour Ride allows our club members to enjoy drinks & food. Various days can be scheduled. We feature riding music albums on this ride from various performing artists like the Beatles, Rolling Stones, new contemporary music albums, and CD Releases of brand new music. All riders are required to have night lights and a security lock for this Rockin' Rider ride. This is our club's exclusive happy hour ride! Ride and rock! Life is good! Enjoy the happy hour ride... >>>>>More On Happy Hour Ride
THE CLASSIC FOSTER PARK RIDE: is a morning club favorite 90 minute ride of 13.75 miles at 10am. We arrive at the destination for the rest stop with comfortable seats. The park has ladies' & mens' restrooms for your convenience. Average exercise speed for this day is 12mph (optional 9- 10 mph for more leisure riding). We finish by noon in great shape to carry on with your day.
THE FARIA BEACH RINCON RIDE: We depart to enjoy the Rincon Parkway beach paths and Faria Beach (destination rest stop with restrooms and a breakfast cafe option). We will be returning through Emma Woods State Park to admire the RVs in the ocean campground. Ride is 15 miles estimated at 2 hours. We finish before noon to enjoy the rest of the day. This is a great fitness and sightseeing ride for all!
THE PRAYER ROCK MEDITATION RIDE: We discovered a new place of peace in the middle of streaming running waters, lush green river beds, and breathless mountain views. It's a place where life's busy activities come to an immediate halt for a few minutes to enjoy mother nature's best. Class 1 bike paths take us safely to enjoy this great morning ride with a round trip 9 mile pleasure of the day. This will prove to be a favorite destination to find peace within ourselves. Departing for a 90 minute investment of time. You will love it. Take a bike lock for security. Take some good traction jog shoes. What a great way to start your day.
THE COMEDY SHOW NIGHT RIDE: BAD GIRLS NIGHT! Ride to Comedy Club on select nights! It's about a 12 mile round trip. You will totally love the bad girls featuring comedians Allison Breen, Bernadette Pauley, Cathy Lewis, Claire Brosseau, Dava Krauss, Felicia Michaels, Henrietta Komras, Lisa Gay Tremblay, Lucky DeLuxe, Retha Jones, and Tracy MacDonald. All riders are required to have night lights and a security lock for this Rockin' Rider ride.
THE WOW RIDES SERIES: There is a whole amazing series of new rides coming up next month... The season will be filled with a creative selection that will make you happy! Check back on this web site for the details
THE VACATION RIDES: How about our holiday and vacation rides? Each season brings a creative selection so that you can go to places like Las Vegas, El Capitan State Beach, Santa Cruz & Carmel! Check back on this web site for our vacation rides! Note: we take our bicycles on vehicles to various destinations! This is our second year doing our vacation rides!
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>>>>See Bike Accessories Membership Card Discounts
Every Ride Is An Experience
Rockin' Riders Bicycle Club has wonderful rides with the amazing views for all members to enjoy. Pictured above is the Ojai Valley Bicycle Class 1 path on a beautiful sunny day. Everyday is a good day with the Rockin' Riders. Making memories worth remembering!
Quote: "Everyday is your best riding day" S.P. member