An Amazing Commitment & A Great Board Member
Jim Beam- Board Member "Rest In Peace"
October 10, 1959- October 27, 2017
"In this memorial music video, I have dedicated a song called "Passes" from my new album: "Ambient Muse" for our beloved board member, and friend, JIM BEAM, who passed away due to complications with his battle with cancer." We enjoyed the Dargan's Celebration Memorial recently. Jim's favorite place was Starbucks on Main Street in Downtown Ventura. He cared about our young kids 9- 19 years old in our scholarship program, >>Preview New Album "Ambient Muse"
Jim served as secretary, as well as being good at helping wherever he could; including setting up our events. We will be missing him dearly at our upcoming shows. The kids prepared some special art works as a gift to the family. The kids wish to communicate there feelings through their incredible art. It's the best that they can do.
Jim was a motivated board member for instant involvement. Besides a Starbucks' lover, his background was in planning & budgets with his regular employer, a U.S. government contractor in Goleta, California for over 15 years. He was steady, committed, and a dependable choice for our organization. He had been involved with Music And Art For Youth non- profit for over three years. His gift of logic helped guide our organization through success. He lived in, and loved the City Of Ventura. "Rest in peace Jim Beam, the pain is gone... REST IN PEACE OUR DEAR DEAR FRIEND"Music in the Jim Beam Video is written & produced by Saint Pierre. The song is "Passes" from the "Ambient Muse" album. >>See Ambient Muse, Helping Needy Kid Artists 9- 19 years old by providing FREE Student Scholarships: "One Kid At A Time". We are proud to present this entertaining service to the community! Amazing arts and inspiration, including a "ONE OF A KIND" experience that you will remember for a life time. It's one of the best in Ventura.
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