IZABELLE DE PAZ: "GOES TO COLLEGE": Izabelle has lots happening in her life at 18 years old, including a 4 year grant to Otis College Of Arts & Design. She's a 5 Star student with honors and private art instructors at MusicAndArtForYouth.org She makes little kids HAPPY. She's got an amazing network of friends & family supporters. She is already a success with a DREAM to get a great education in graphic design, THEN land her DREAM JOB at Disney Animation.
OUR MISSION: We are dedicated to provide opportunities to nurture our youth to achieve their artistic dreams and goals in the arts. We seek out young generation gifted youth with the desire and potential talent in music and art . These extraordinary individuals are given the means to nurture their goals through our scholarship programs. We are a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization for education and public benefits. Our training in the arts for the kids, prepares the next younger generation for the future. Our help creates valuable inspiration & "hands- on" experience in the arts. Our exclusive scholarships provide programming in:
Music & Performance
Visual Arts
Theatrical Productions
Kids' Opportunities To Perform & Exhibit Their Arts
MORE KID ART SCHOLARSHIPS will be awarded this year. The specific purpose is to provide kids with education in both the performing arts and the visual arts. Our non- profit organization has an emphasis to provide youth with alternative accelerated arts education. Our community programs engage the public to be involved. This focus enables all ages and all generations in the community to support creative artistic development. This happens despite any economic hardships, any school district budget cuts, any public budget cuts, and any (family) financial hardships. Our programs develop gifted youth artists through workshops, custom assigned art instructors, and side by side professional art mentors. Our Concert Art Shows provide the platform for performance, art exhibits, and social skills for all of our students.The result motivates the community and adult artists to accomplish significant strides for the future next younger generation in the cultural arts. Our cause benefits the public through the convergence of the visual and performing arts.
>>>Apply For Low Income Scholarship Grant >>>Watch 1 Minute Student Video >>>Nominate Student On Line >>>Nominate Student via U. S. Mail
Nominations are accepted
on-line, via e-mail
or U.S. first class mail. The nomination must include
full contact information of all parties involved,
including nominator, parent(s), and youth. Contact
information must include youth's & parent(s) name,
address, e-mail, youth age, and direct parental
telephone number for parental authorization. A personal
interview may be conducted with selected applicants. We
will observe & evaluate their current work or portfolio. The scholarships
may be awarded in one or multiple art categories such as
music & performance
arts. visual painting arts, sculpture art, theatrical
art, dance arts, hair art, and many other types of art
forms without limitation..Recipients of a scholarship is
based on need, desire and talent. Youth,
(ages 9- 19 years old) are eligible for
scholarships by means of nomination. Upon nominating
youth, the required process continues with the candidate
creating and submitting an essay. We wish
you success!
The essay script must include answers to both of the following questions: (in 200 words or less)
1) Why do I want to pursue music or art?
2) Why I would be unable to achieve this goal without this scholarship?
A Big "Help The KIds" Opportunity
>>>Assignment Two Lucy Jane Guitar
>>>Advice To Young Artists Educational Video
>>>Lucy Jane 4 Minute Video Production
>>>Lucy Jane Current Assignment Three
>>>Thank You For Your Nomination
>>>Board Meeting Agenda 170623
>>>Board Meeting Minutes 170526
>>>Board Meeting Minutes 170623
>>>Board Meeting Agenda 180312
>>>Harvest Festival 2018 Planning Feb 12 2018
>>>Committee Report 180312 Class & Schedule Draft
>>Committee Preliminary Class & Schedule 180312
>>Harvest Festival Meeting Minutes March 12, 2018
>>Current Kids Module Schedule
>>Current Module Paypal Payment 180301
>>Current MAAFY Conservatory Contact List 180317
>>Board Meeting Minutes 180312
>>Board Meeting Minutes 180409
>>Harvest Festival Meeting Minutes April 9 2018
>>WAV Community Room Use Guidelines 180416
>>Harvest Festival Poster 11 x 17 Draft 180416
>>Board Meeting Agenda May 14 2018
>>Community Production Service Equipment Wht St
>>Michael Gulezian Carpinteria Concert
>>Dirty Cello Tickets Carpinteria Concert
>>Dirtyt Cello Tickets Namba Arts
>>Dirty Cello Select Two Concerts
>>Jonathan McEuen Concert Party Namba 191026