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Scholarship Student Lucy Jane

"Lucy's One Minute Video Interview"

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County OfSupervisors Award 161031 2016

Our Ventura County Supervisors Award 

Lucy Jane with Saint Pierre, Director Of Music And Art For Youth'

Concert Art Shows
a Saint Pierre Production
In The Cultural Arts

A Big "Help The Kids" Opportunity

See The Help The Kids Cause

Title: Underwater Scene (Art By Antonio Barrera) 

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Our Kid Artists appear on stage in Concert Art Shows, produced as fund raising events. The Kids are also trained in social skills to present their own art to audiences throughout the community. The Non- Profit is based in Downtown Ventura in the Cultural Arts District. Established in 2009, our mission is the convergence of the visual arts & the performing arts together. The show proceeds benefit the artists and our fund raising cause: Music And Art For Youth", a Non- Profit Organization 501 (c) (3). All donations are tax- deductable.

Thanks for "Helping The Kids".

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