"Presenting Our Series Of Artists"
The Classical Masters Show
THE CLASSICAL MASTERS GUITAR CONCERT ART SHOW: features Saint Pierre**** performing preview cuts from his albums, a style of Master Fusion of the Rhythm & Blues". As MC and producer, he brings mainline acts for this show with world class guitarists starring Carlos Gonzales. and Robert Earl Longley. The amazing improvisational skills of these performing artists take the audience to an extreme heaven.. It is the first time ever, that these two masters come together in one concert. The Concert Art Show fulfills our great mission for the "Convergence Of The Visual Arts & The Performing Arts". Mike Tine, WAV resident visual artist is featured with his original and alternative visual adult art work ten foot gigantic paintings. A live artistic interview presentation is also in our line up. Special guests from the Rockin' Riders are introduced as we present the customized lead bicycle with an on- board music stereo system, built- in cell phone, and built- in iPod. A true piece of art. Thanks to Mr. Jim Swan, pro- bicyclist designer. Every concert is an art show.
>>>See The
Visual Art
>>>See The Classical TV Performance
The Rock Star Show
>>>See Our TV Interview
With The Rock Star Artists
THE ROCK STAR CONCERT ART SHOW: features mainline acts for a live performance of world class rockers starring WAV legend band, We Govern We. and All Natural Ingredients, our amazing discovery. The amazing theatrical rock skills of these performing artists brings our audience to high places filled with extreme enjoyment. It is the first time ever that these two rock band masters come together in one concert. Our Concert Art Show fulfills our great mission for the "Convergence Of The Visual Arts & The Performing Arts". Taras Tulek, WAV resident visual artist is featured with his original and alternative black light visual art. Our favorite black light dance artist, Jillian Nye, WAV resident artist and rock star dancer is amazing with WAV six year old artist, Jubilee. Live TV artistic interviews are in our line up. The Rockin' Riders presents the "fixed gear exhibit" with amazing world buzz bicycles, true bike art. Every concert is an art show. >>>See The Art
The Beach World Show
Our TV Interview With The Beach World Artists
THE BEACH WORLD CONCERT ART SHOW: is featured with a world class show starring Steve Stafford and his legendary band, Unkle Monkey. and celebrity performer Fred Rain, our favorite master world music guitarist. The amazing stage skills of these performing artists take the audiences to high places filled with extreme enjoyment. The perfect show as these masters come together in one concert. Concert Art Show fulfills our great mission for the "Convergence Of The Visual Arts & The Performing Arts". Beach world visual artist is 24 year old, Ashley Taylor Harris, presenting a painting exhibit of ocean, surf, seascape, people and more. Live TV artistic interview presentations are always in our line up. The Rockin' Riders is part of the show with amazing artistic beach cruiser bicycles, true bike art. Every concert is an art show. This performance is recorded on our TV show series for the passionate search of outstanding art. We are making history in this new art city! Your support makes it all happen! You are front row center for this amazing event!
"A Big ' Help The Kids' Opportunity