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They are the most talented hot singer song writer family ever. Featuring WAV resident, daddy guitar master Danny Flowers and daughter, Rachel Flowers, the "Wondergirl" on keyboard and master flute. Also appearing is Jeanie Flowers, the guest mom duet. Rachel is like an angel, and performs the songs that she loves. All the impressive arrangements merge into the Flowers' unique music style. Some of the music is inspired by Jeff Beck, and the Dobbie Bros. Enjoy the original songs styled in R & B, Jazz, Rock and Blues. All the Flowers write lyrics and music that captivate the audience. Danny Flowers, features his popular WAV hit single, "Stranger". He also has a CD music album available for your listening pleasure. Also in the show are performances by Saint Pierre, and other artists & guests, like SPECIAL SONGMAKERS: fun with music by TJ (Burl Ives look alike); and Simon Lucas, the English Folkman. Also... Tim "The Breeze" Pompey performs a Johnny Cash tribute. A young WAV discovery 15 year old teen singer/ songwriter LEXI Ulmer is featured too. AMAZING ART PRESENTATIONS in this show feature visual artists, Marcelino" assemblage artist and Taras Tulek artist-painter."A Big 'Help The Kids' Opportunity
The Concert Art Shows are produced by Saint Pierre. Established since 2009, our mission is the convergence of the visual arts & the performing arts together. Proceeds benefit the artists and our non- profit cause: Music & Art For Youth". The stage, the art, and our venue are pictured above. "Every Concert Is An Art Show".