Concert Art Shows LogoMain Office (805) 479-4000


The Flowers Are Red Music Video

>>>See Our Current Show

"A KID'S Grand Expression Of Music, Art & TV"


This creative video teaches an important lesson for a kid artist. Lesson #1 is to interpret what the message is, and how it applies to the learning experience at Music And Art For Youth. Describe in an essay of 200 words or less, what you have learned from this music video. And how this music video might change the way you think about art. Assignment began on December 2, 2016, and was turned in on December 18, 2016.   >>>See Lucy Jane's Completed Essay #1 For Lesson One


"What adults call ‘wrong’ in Child Art is the most beautiful and most precious. I value highly those things done by small children. They are the first and purest source of artistic creation." ~ Franz Cizek    >>>See Lucy Jane's Completed Essay #2 For Lesson Two

LESSON #3 For Lucy Jane: RESEARCH THE AUTHOR OF THE QUOTE ON LINE: Study about the author and provide a two page research paper by deadline December 9, 2016. Student must be able to explain  about the author in students own words. And specify what author's contribution was to the world. What impact difference did this author make?   >>>See Lucy Jane's Completed Research Paper On Author & Children's Teacher Franz Cizek

LESSON #4 For Lucy Jane: PHOTO TEN DIFFERENT ART SUBJECT MATTER: Go to 10 different places around the city of Ventura. Come up with the best possible photograph that you you consider to be art subject that interests you about each place. It could be ocean scape, landscape, animals, insects, plants, etc. (anything you want) make sure it is a good photo to use. Text all 10 photos to Music And Art For Youth.

LESSON #5 For Lucy Jane: CREATE 3 DETAILED ART PIECES FORM THE 3 FAVORITE PHOTOS: Put the 3 best photos together from the 10 photo shots you have taken. Produce 3 pieces of art using the photos for concept ideas. They do not have to be copies, but they must be ideas from the 3 pieces of favorite art. It is your choice whether you look at the photos while creating the art. The 3 works of art should be created using the following guide line:

Art Work #1: acrylic paint & brush on one 8 x 10 colored art paper of your choice

Art Work #2: water paint using your hands only on one 8 x 10 colored art paper of your choice

Art Work # 3: marker pens utilizing 10 different colors on one 8 x 10 colored art paper of your choice

***The art may be framed by Music And Art For Youth after evaluation on deadline of December 9, 2016 after it is turned in.




a Saint Pierre Production
In The Cultural Arts

Art Assignments At The WAV

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The Concert Art Shows are produced by Saint Pierre with the cultural arts in Ventura. Established in 2009, our mission is the convergence of the visual arts & the performing arts together. Our efforts benefit the artists and our fund raising cause: Music And Art For Youth" by helping the needy kids 9- 19 years old    . 

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